
Pentax Released Pentax 645Z IR With Infrared Shooting Function

Pentax released the camera with Pentax infrared shooting function- Pentax 645Z IR. Pentax 645Z IR will be put on sale January 15, 2016 for about 10000 dollars. Pentax 645Z IR won’t be sold for individual users.PENTAX 645Z IR is medium format camera based on the PENTAX 645Z using 51.4 million The highest sensitivity is up to ISO 204800.

Comared with PENTAX 645Z, the main difference is PENTAX 645Z IR removes the infrared filter, and installed the reflected light filters, which make it possible to see invisible infrared light wavelength for users. PENTAX 645Z IR is equipped with a reversible liquid crystal display for real-time recordings and the low angle shooting.

PENTAX 645Z IR has some advantages on the effects of data records. So PENTAX 645 Z IR will primarily be used in libraries, museums, research institutions and government and other professional institutions.

